Earlier this month, Pennsylvania state Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R) repeatedly found herself challenging anti-immigrant rhetoric…
World News
Former president Donald Trump continued attacking the immigrant population in an Ohio town during a…
INDIANA, Pa. — Donald Trump repeatedly cast himself as the “protector” of women, who polls…
INDIANA, Pa. — Donald Trump repeatedly cast himself as the “protector” of women, who polls…
Republican nominee Donald Trump further escalated his long-running bid to discredit federal law enforcement by…
Republican nominee Donald Trump further escalated his long-running bid to discredit federal law enforcement by…
Lawyers for Donald Trump on Monday opposed prosecutors’ request to file an up-to-180-page legal brief…
Lawyers for Donald Trump on Monday opposed prosecutors’ request to file an up-to-180-page legal brief…
Crime is perhaps the perfect issue on which unscrupulous politicians can focus. Americans perennially have…
Crime is perhaps the perfect issue on which unscrupulous politicians can focus. Americans perennially have…